Thursday, September 4, 2008

Star Wars: Clone Wars Premiere

For the premiere of Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie at midnight on the 15th of August, 2008 a small group of Rebel Legion and 501st members gathered at the request of the Celebration Cinema North Thursday night to entertain movie goers. R2 came along for his third event. I had to get a ride to the event with my brother since my husband worked until 10:00 (getting home around 10:30) and we were to arrive at 7:00. My brother intended to drive his family's minivan to work and then swing by my place to pick me, and R2, up. However, he forgot to drive the van, and instead drove his Dodge Neon. It was quite interested trying to delicately CRAM R2 into the backseat of the Neon! But, he fit (barely!) and we made it to my brother's house okay. Once we got to my brother's house, we transferred R2 to the van! When my husband got out of work, he joined us at the theater.